Running Away

eBook - The Memoir of a Bishop's Son

Erschienen am 12.03.2015, Auflage: 1/2015
5,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781490871509
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 348 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Ulysses honest candor about the Christian journey is refreshing! He supports the body of Christ in developing spiritual veracity while applying practical truths. Running Away is an authentic discourse exploring life behind the pulpit. Vita Jones, Ph.D For those sons and daughters who served alongside their parents in ministry and were left on the battlefield wounded with scars, you are not forgotten. There is healing for the soul and spirit, even in the midst of pain and disappointment. Pastor Kings daring memoir goes beyond the religious slogans and Christian jargon that is so often used by popular celebrity-preachers, and he examines some of the views and stereotypes cast on pastors children who serve in the church. He shares his personal journey, emotions, and reasons for accepting the call to serve as the pastor of a historic classical Pentecostal church. He also attempts to answer the question, Why do so many pastors children leave the church and run away from the call to serve? Running Away is a memoir of passion told by the son of a bishop who struggled to find his purpose and destiny in a denomination he no longer loved after the death of his father. The book looks at Pastor Kings personal tests, failures, and trials in ministry, and what it took for him to overcome some of the painful experiences of leadership. Running Away is not a memoir of triumph or failure, but of truthhis truth. Pastor King takes a leap of faith and risk by being vulnerable in order to share his story with a broader and wider community, hoping his readers will understand his heart and love for his father, and the local church he faithfully served for over thirty years. Running Away is a must-read for pastors with children and Christians who are often critical of them.

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