Project Management

eBook - A Benefit Realisation Approach

Erschienen am 19.03.2019, Auflage: 1/2019
99,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030031749
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 5.84 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Winner of 2020 PMI David I. Cleland Project Management Literature Award

This book is a complete project management toolkit for project leaders in business, research and industry.

Projects are approved and financed to generate benefits. Project Management: A Benefit Realisation Approach proposes a complete framework that supports this objective from project selection and definition, through execution, and beyond implementation of deliverables until benefits are secured. 

The book is the first to explain the creation of organisational value by suggesting a complete, internally-consistent and theoretically rigorous benefit-focused project management methodology, supported with an analytical technique: benefit engineering. Benefit engineering offers a practical approach to the design and maintenance of an organisations project portfolio. 

Building upon the authors earlier successful book, Project Management for the Creation of Organisational Value, this comprehensively revised and expanded new book contains the addition of new chapters on project realisation. The book offers a rigorous explanation of how benefits emerge from a project. This approach is developed and strengthened resulting in a completely client-oriented view of a project.

Senior executives, practitioners, students and academics will find in this book a comprehensive guide to the conduct of projects, which includes robust models, a set of consistent principles, an integrated glossary, enabling tools, illustrative examples and case studies.



Dr Zwikael is an Associate Professor in the College of Business and Economics at the Australian National University. The recipient of the International Project Management Association's Research Award, Dr Zwikael is the author of three books and more than 200 scholarly peer-reviewed papers published in leading journals. In addition, he has been awarded multiple research awards by the Academy of Management, British Academy of Management, Emerald and the Australian Institute of Project Management. Dr Zwikael has experience in exercising major leadership roles such as Associate Dean, Head of School, Associate Editor of the top project management journal (International Journal of Project Management) and an Executive Board member of three Project Management Institute (PMI) international chapters.

John Smyrkis a graduate of Monash University, holding an Honours degree in Economics (with a specialisation in Econometrics) and Masters in Economics (witha specialisation in Operations Research). He designed, developed and delivered post graduate courses in project management at a number of universities. He has spent years working in various industries, such as steel-making, infrastructure, heavy engineering, chemicals and industrial instrumentation. He has consulted to the public and private sectors, specialising in in project management, with clients in manufacturing, finance, transport and government. He is currently a private consultant in project management. With Dr Zwikael, he participates in an ongoing research program directed at the assembly of comprehensive, reliable and rigorous theoretical foundations for the discipline of project management.  


1. What Roles do Projects Serve in Business?.- 2. A Theoretical Framework for Projects.- 3. The Structure of a Project.- 4. Project and Programme Governance.- 5. Stakeholder Management.- 6. Risk and Issues Management.- 7. Project Attractiveness  Draft complete.- 8. Project Success Draft complete.- 9. Initiating a Project.- 10. Planning a Project.- 11. Executing a Project.- 12. Realising outcomes from projects.           

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