Wicca: A Modern Practitioner's Guide - Cover

Wicca: A Modern Practitioner's Guide

eBook - Your Guide to Mastering the Craft

Erschienen am 13.08.2019, Auflage: 1/2019
18,95 €
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781507210758
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 288 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Go beyond the basics of witchcraft and take your study of wicca to the next level: everything you need to know to have a deeper understanding of wicca, its teachings, and the meaning behind its rituals and practices.You've bought your crystals and cast your basic spells, planted your herb garden and smudged your homenow what? Wicca: A Modern Practitioner's Guide takes you beyond the trendy witchy basics to the deeper roots the practice. This book will guide you in reexamining basic Wicca and teach you to create rich rituals that will foster your personal growth. It also includes comprehensive explanations of the traditions, beliefs, and rituals that make up the Wiccan religion. Read about Solitary Wicca, which teaches you how to practice wiccawhether you work with a coven or practice aloneand goes beyond the ';how' of different practices to explore the ';why': for example, when should you create a sacred space rather than cast a circle? How and why do you purify yourself before a ritual? What is grounding and why is it important for you to ground yourself before doing spellwork? For those who seek them, Wicca has all the answers.

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