The Ghostfaces (Brotherband Book 6)

eBook - Brotherband

Erschienen am 03.11.2016, Auflage: 1/2016
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448198207
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 400 S., 2.68 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


From John Flanagan, author of the worldwide bestselling Ranger's Apprentice, comes a brand-new chapter in the adventures of young Skandians who form a different kind of family - a brotherband.

When the Brotherband crew are caught in a massive storm at sea, theyre blown far off course and wash up on the shores of a land so far west that Hal cant recognize it from any of his maps. Eerily, the locals are nowhere in sight, yet the Herons have a creeping feeling they are being watched.

Suddenly the silence is broken when a massive, marauding bear appears, advancing on two children. The crew springs into action and rescues the children from the bears clutches, which earns them the gratitude and friendship of the local Mawagansett tribe, who finally reveal themselves. But the peace is short-lived. The Ghostfaces, a ruthless, warlike tribe who shave their heads and paint their faces white, are on the warpath once more. Its been ten years since they raided the Mawagansett village, but theyre coming back to pillage and reap destruction. As the enemy approaches, the Herons gear up to help their new friends repel an invasion.

In this sixth book in the action-packed Brotherband Chronicles, the Herons find themselves in unfamiliar lands and prepare for battle with a ruthless, unknown enemy.


John Flanagan'sRanger's ApprenticeandBrotherbandadventure series have sold more than eight million copies worldwide. His books are available in more than one hundred countries, are regularly on theNew York Timesbestseller lists, and have had multiple award shortlistings and wins in Australia and overseas. John, a former television and advertising writer, lives with his wife in a Sydney beachside suburb.

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