Depression For Dummies


Erschienen am 11.03.2021, Auflage: 2/2021
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781119768616
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 400 S., 1.05 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The good news on beating the blues

Do you want the good, the bad, or the best news first? OK, the bad news is that an estimated 264+ million people worldwide suffer from a depressive illness. The good news is that we know how to defeat these illnesses better than ever before using a growing range of highly effective psychotherapies, medications, and other therapeutic methods that are improving all the time. And the best news: because of these advances, the majority  of people no longer need to suffer the debilitatingand sometimes dangerouseffects of long-term depressive illness.

The new edition ofDepression For Dummies shows how you can make this happen for you by providing the latest and best information on how to banish the noonday demon and bring the sunshine back into your world. In this friendly, cheerful, no-nonsense guide, leading clinical psychologists Laura L. Smith and Charles H. Elliot give you the straight talk on what you face and proven, practical advice on how to punch back and win. Showing you how to know your enemy, they demystify common types of depression, explain its physical effects, and help identify the kind you have. Armed in this way, you can take firmer steps toward the lifestyle changesas well as therapy or medicationthat will put you back in control.

Learn about different forms of depressionBuild simple, daily habits into your life that help banish the bluesUnderstand conventional, alternative, and experimental therapiesMove on: avoid relapses and stay happy!

Whatever your level of depressionoccasional bouts or long-termthis book gives you the insight, the tools, and the inner strength and persistence to put enjoyment back in your life.


Laura L. Smith, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and former President of the New Mexico Psychological Association.

Charles H. Elliott, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and Professor Emeritus at Fielding Graduate University.


Introduction 1

Part 1: Discovering Depression and Preparing a Plan 5

Chapter 1: Demystifying and Defeating Depression 7

Chapter 2: Detecting Depression 19

Chapter 3: When Bad Things Happen 45

Chapter 4: Breaking Barriers to Change 57

Chapter 5: Finding Help for Depression 79

Part 2: Understanding and Accepting Thoughts and Feelings 95

Chapter 6: Understanding the Thought/Feeling Connection 97

Chapter 7: Defeating Distorted Thinking 109

Chapter 8: Rethinking Thoughts Lurking Behind Depression 127

Chapter 9: Accepting Thoughts and Feelings 151

Chapter 10: Thinking the Worst: Suicide 171

Part 3: Taking Action Against Depression 185

Chapter 11: Getting Out of Bed 187

Chapter 12: Working Out to Lift Depression 199

Chapter 13: Rediscovering Healthy Pleasures 209

Chapter 14: Solving Lifes Headaches 221

Part 4: Rebuilding Connections 239

Chapter 15: Working Through Loss, Grief, and Mourning 241

Chapter 16: Relationship Enhancement 255

Part 5: Fighting the Physical Foe: Biological Therapies 271

Chapter 17: Prescribing Pleasure 273

Chapter 18: Hype, Help, or Hope? Alternative Treatments for Depression 291

Part 6: Looking Beyond Depression 301

Chapter 19: Reducing the Risk of Relapse 303

Chapter 20: Mending Your Memory 317

Chapter 21: Pursuing Happiness 327

Part 7: The Part of Tens 343

Chapter 22: Ten Ways Out of a Bad Mood 345

Chapter 23: Ten Ways to Help Kids with Depression 349

Chapter 24: Ten Ways to Help a Friend or Lover with Depression 355

Appendix: Resources for You 361

Index 365

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