Victor Grayson

eBook - In Search of Britain's Lost Revolutionary, Revolutionary Lives

Erschienen am 20.08.2021, Auflage: 1/2021
13,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780745343990
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Steeped in conspiracy, scandal and socialism the disappearance of radical icon Victor Grayson is a puzzle thats never been solved. A firebrand and Labour politician who rose to prominence in the early twentieth century, Grayson was idolised by hundreds of thousands of Britons but despised by the establishment. After a tumultuous life, he walked out of his London apartment in September 1920 and was never seen again.

After a century, new documents have come to light. Fragments of an unpublished autobiography, letters to his lovers (both men and women), leading political and literary figures including H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw, and testimonies from members of the Labour elite such as Clement Attlee have revealed the real Victor Grayson.  New research has uncovered the true events leading up to his disappearance and suggests that he was actually blackmailed by his former Party.

In a time when homosexuality was illegal, and socialism an international threat to capitalism, Grayson was a clear target for those wanting to stamp out dissent. This extraordinary biography reinstates to history a man who laid the foundations for a whole generation of militant socialists in Britain.


Foreword by Jeremy Corbyn
1. The Boy from Liverpool
2. The Student Revolutionary
3. The By-Election
4. The Boy Who Paralysed Parliament
5. Member for the Unemployed
6. Englands Greatest Mob Orator
7. Revolution Delayed
8. The Battle for a Socialist Party
9. More Than Just a Cheap Orator
10. A Taste of War
11. To Passchendaele
12. On Lloyd Georges Service
13. Towards the Truth

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